What To Do When the Police Are Calling

What To Do When the Police Are Calling

Most of the time, a traffic ticket is issued by a police officer to a driver on the side of the road. Sometimes though, a ticket is issued after whatever event that gave rise to the ticket occurred. In those cases, the police will often try to track down the defendant...
Crazy Car Crashes In Phoenix

Crazy Car Crashes In Phoenix

Crazy Car Crashes In Phoenix Cops deal with them every day. Sometimes it seems impossible to drive the speed limit here in Phoenix and the highways of Arizona. If you drive the speed limit, you’re almost impeding other traffic. Anyone who’s driving in...
Police, Traffic Stops And Guns

Police, Traffic Stops And Guns

You are driving along in a safe manner, minding your own business, and out of the blue a cop pulls you over for doing something police do every day with no consequences (like changing lanes without a blinker or speeding).  As you are pulling over, you think about the...