by Chris Rike | Mar 25, 2022 | Traffic Violations
These days, a dash camera is like an insurance policy in that everyone should have one. Dash cams have never been cheaper and the technology they offer just gets better and better. Below we discuss three reasons everyone should have a dash cam. To Protect Yourself...
by Chris Rike | Jan 14, 2022 | Police, Traffic Violations
Crazy Car Crashes In Phoenix Cops deal with them every day. Sometimes it seems impossible to drive the speed limit here in Phoenix and the highways of Arizona. If you drive the speed limit, you’re almost impeding other traffic. Anyone who’s driving in...
by Chris Rike | Dec 21, 2021 | DUI, Traffic Violations
In the course of representing clients in DUI matters, we see four situations come up over and over. These are the situations that most frequently cause the police to come into contact with a driver who has been drinking. It is worth repeating here that most DUI...
by Chris Rike | Dec 6, 2021 | Traffic Violations
The other day I was standing in line at the MVD. As I was waiting, I was casually listening to the conversations happening to my right and left. I thought I’d share them here. To my left. The man to my left had just purchased a motorcycle. I gathered that the...
by Chris Rike | Nov 18, 2021 | Traffic Violations
Here are 3 of the most memorable outfit choices we’ve seen in court, in reverse order. These are actually true stories… 3. Pajamas. We saw a man in city court wearing pajamas, slippers, the whole outfit – minus the pillow unfortunately. Although he...
by Chris Rike | Jun 17, 2021 | Traffic Violations
Recently I had the chance to sit down and talk with immigration attorney Jessica Cadavid. We had a great conversation about the intersection of misdemeanor traffic violations and immigration. You can watch the entire video below, or read the transcript below the...