Tempe Municipal Court

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The Tempe Municipal Court handles tickets for violations that occurred in Tempe. This includes misdemeanor crimes and city code violations. A protective order can also be obtained at the Tempe Municipal Court. If you receive a traffic ticket or any other kind of complaint that is a misdemeanor or civil in nature from the Tempe Police Department, your case will be handled in this court. If you receive a ticket from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office or the Arizona Department of Public Safety while you are in Tempe, it will go to a justice court that shares jurisdiction with the Tempe Municipal Court.

Mill Avenue, Exhibition of Speed, And Reckless Driving

The vast majority of cases we see in Tempe originate in the Mill Avenue area. This area is crawling with Tempe Police riding around on bicycles. These bike cops routinely swarm drivers and then allege the drivers engaged in an exhibition of speed or reckless driving. Drivers in Dodge Challengers or drivers with aftermarket exhaust are the favorite targets for the Tempe bike cops. The Mill Ave. area is also a popular spot for DUI-related charges.

Tempe Municipal Court is a busy court, and the courtrooms can often be very crowded.

Judges and Prosecutors

There are various judges and prosecutors in this court, each with their own policies and attitudes. As far as the prosecutors go, we find most of them to be reasonable, professional, and good to work with.

Payment of Fines

Tempe has very high court fees and surchargers. Here’s a post about how a $125 fine turned into $505 in Tempe. Tempe does make it very easy for defendants to give the court money though. Fines can be paid at the court, paid online, or there is even a little payment drop box outside.

Tempe Municipal Court

Tempe Has A Veteran’s Court

Tempe Municipal Court participates in the East Valley Regional Veteran’s Court. Veteran’s court is available to any veteran who is charged with a misdemeanor violation in the Tempe Municipal Court.

It is possible for the prosecutor to prevent a referral to veteran’s court if participation in veteran’s court would violate the law or the interest of justice. For traffic-related cases, we have not encountered this problem.

Often, a much better outcome is available through veteran’s court than would otherwise be possible in the Tempe Municipal Court.

Lookup Your Tempe Case Online

The Tempe Municipal Court does have its own online case access. You can perform a search for a case using the name of the defendant or party.

Contact Info & Hours

Tempe Municipal Court
140 E. 5th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281

There is a parking garage across the street from the court. That is the most convenient place to park.

M-FRI, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Phone: 480-350-2789

Email Us

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