If you have questions about a traffic ticket, please give us a call.
Admin Per Se or Implied Consent Affidavit – 2023 Update
When a driver is ticketed for a DUI, the police will often, but not always, serve an admin per se/implied consent affidavit like that shown above on the driver. There are two types of license suspension that can result from this affidavit, an admin per se suspension, or an implied consent suspension.
Hazardous Materials Endorsement
If you are a commercial driver who wants to carry hazardous materials, you will need to obtain a hazardous materials (HazMat) endorsement. There are two main requirements to obtain a HazMat endorsement:
How Not To Get Pulled Over By The Cops
When you're out driving around, the last thing you want to deal with is an encounter with the police. For most of us, a police encounter begins with a traffic stop. Not only do you not want to deal with the delay of a traffic stop or the fines and points from a...
Change of Plea Hearing
Change Of Plea Hearing What to expect at a change of plea hearing. What is a change of plea hearing? A change of plea hearing is a hearing held by the court wherein the defendant changes his or her plea. Typically, a defendant will plead "not guilty" at the beginning...
Incompetency and Mental Health in a Criminal Case
Rule 11 and the definition of incompetency Rule 11 is the rule in the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure that address how to proceed when it is believed the defendant is not competent to assist in their own defense or stand trial. Rule 11.1 provides: A person shall...
FTA: Failure to Appear
Failure To Appear For Court In Arizona If you missed a court date, you were probably told you failed to appear. Here's what to do.CALL NOW OR UPLOAD YOUR TICKET[wpforms_selector form_id="6807" _builder_version="4.27.4" _module_preset="default"...
Vehicle Impound In Arizona
Vehicle Impound In Arizona Why vehicles get impounded, and how to get them back.Why Would The Police Impound A Vehicle?Arizona state law permits the police to impound a vehicle if a driver is charged with any of the following: Driving on a suspended license. Extreme...
Should You Call An Attorney? Yes!
Please, call an attorney before you take action on your next traffic ticket. Believe it or not, we often get calls from prospective clients who have irreparably harmed their case because they did not call an attorney and took action on their own first.
Juvenile Court And Criminal Traffic Cases
Most criminal traffic cases involving a juvenile defendant do not end up in juvenile court; they are usually handled in the court of limited jurisdiction that covers the area where the violation took place. A limited jurisdiction court is limited in that it can only hear misdemeanor cases, and cannot hear felony cases.
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